v1.11, 10 Sep 97
If you know of any ways to solve this problem, please(e10) let me know.
Use this list to find some manga with good story lines and nice
drawings. You can be more confident in picking up a manga the next time
you visit your manga book store. The catch is, most of the titles are
in romanji & kana/kanji. There are no English translations for the
titles unless the titles themselves were meant to be read in English
(or any other language).
This list of 118 mangaka is by no means exhaustive. One condition must apply: -
at least 2 ML members think that this
manga/ka excels in either art, story, style or humour, and should
receive a wider audience. It also includes a list of alternative
manga/kas for those who want to read something more exotic/less
conventional, and are unwise to pass it to someone uninitiated to
shoujo manga. They're marked with a
Currently sorted in Japanese (A-KA-SA...) by the mangaka, and the family name of the mangaka comes before the given name, in capitals. (Willing to create a English alphabetical order if requests are numerous.)
Compiled by CHEN JiaTyan through a lot of help from the Shoujo ML.
Honourable mentions:
Also available is a text version. (Will people using Win & Unix kindly let me know if it's not in a legible form?)
Suggestions, comments, corrections and flames goes to jiat. �ǂ�ǂ��ĉ������B